Sauna & Steam Rooms
Swimming Pools

The size and shape of your pool may well be determined by the space available for the pool hall. 5m x 10m is perhaps a minimum size for residential pools. Whilst 6m x 12m are popular dimensions. We have a number of private leisure pools over 16m long. Exercise pools with a constant depth of 1.2m x 2.5m wide are ideal for the dedicated swimmer. Swimming machines are installed where a long pool is not practical. Our specialities include Hydrotherapy pools for special needs, Animal pools for therapy, training or display. Caravan park pools, hotel pools and school pools usually require a higher standard of filtration.

( Click images to enlarge )
We can  make your swimming pool ideas
We have Hot Tub's in all shapes and sizes
A large domestic swimming pool
A indoor residential swimming pool
Dream swimming pools
private inground  swimming pools


Click here to see our SPATA Award Winning Swimming Pools